Friday 28 June 2013

Scaphoid Fracture and Oracle 12c

After taking up American football with the American Trojans back in October I had an injury on St Patricks day which I put down to a sprain. 8 weeks later and after some physio I decided to get an Xray and found out I had a fracture.

I've had a cast on the arm for the last 6 weeks so although i'm working and in the middle of an R12 upgrade for a customer and studying for the 10g OCM , 11g OCP upgrade exams, blogging has been put on a back burner.

I think I'll need to start back with Web Services , ODI when I return as their is enough blog posts about the release of 12c which would put me to shame. I installed it on the 2 hour return train journey the other day without any issue on OEL 6_4 and look forward to playing with it. The guys over at pythian already have a great post on setting up a 12c RAC cluster on the laptop, building on previous post on setting up the 11gR2 cluster.

Having read the 12c concepts guide, they have a nice picture of a bunch of DBA's being replaced by Container and Pluggable database Administrators. I'd just about convinced my friends what I did, now I have to learn a whole new piece.

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